Accessibility Statement

Our London home is a former warehouse, originally built to house fruit and vegetables for Covent Garden market and now a Grade II listed building. We have worked carefully to ensure that the refit and refurbishment of the building honours it’s heritage whilst making it an accessible and welcoming place.

The Club reception is at street level with no obstacles to access.

Once inside, we have a lift connecting all floors, making the club fully accessible to wheelchair users.

There is a removable ramp available to enable wheelchair users to access our roof terrace. The ramp is stored on the fifth floor and all staff are trained and ready to assist you should you require it.

You can get to the Club using public transport. Our closest tube station is Covent Garden(Piccadilly line) and we are also a short distance from Leicester Square (Northern and Piccadilly lines) station.

We have no parking available but there is a local NCP car park on Shelton Street, a short distance away. Langley Street is pedestrianised after 11am on all days apart from Sundaywith bollards preventing vehicle access, meaning you cannot be dropped directly outside the club other than between 7 – 11am Monday to Saturday.

Whilst our bars have no lowered sections, we offer table service on all floors of the Club, meaning you can order and be served at your table.

We have flexible seating that can allow us to make provision for wheelchairs. Our staff are all trained to assist you so do feel comfortable asking for help.

There are fully accessible toilets on every floor other than the ground floor.

Guide and Assistance dogs, and all well-behaved dogs, are welcome on all floors of the Club. We can provide dogs with drinking water on every floor – just ask a member of staff.

We have 3 fire escapes in the building. Front staircase, back staircase and staircase from the roof terrace. All floors on front and back staircase have a disabled refuge along with a dedicated disabled refuge on our roof terrace.

Please let us know if there is anything we can do to improve the accessibility of our Club or the information we provide. Speak to any member of our Front of House or Membership teams to make your suggestions.